We are a retired couple in Florida who had to cancel our long-anticipated visit to Maine this summer because of COVID-19. Despite our sadness, we applaud your 14-day quarantine requirement for out-of-state visitors and wish our governor had half as much good sense as Gov. Mills on this subject.

I was extremely disappointed to read, however, that President Trump, who steadfastly refuses to wear a mask and scoffs at the idea of social distancing, is apparently being allowed to come in to the state with his entourage to tour a factory and possibly have a political “rally” with his doting supporters.

He is the poster boy for noncompliance with the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s and Dr. Anthony Fauci’s spot-on epidemiological cautions. So why on earth is he being allowed to waltz in to the state with no restrictions and spread both his venom and germs to the citizens of Maine?

Claire Zaiser

Jacksonville, Fla.

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