Life was we know it has been turned on its head, and it’s hard to say when things will be back to normal or what that new normal will look like. Many of the ways of getting out and doing stuff aren’t options right now. To help ease your anxiety while also keeping you active and entertained, we’ve rounded up a few ideas.

A couple looks out over the Atlantic Ocean from a bench at Two Lights State Park as the sun pokes through the clouds on Thursday. Derek Davis/Staff Photographer

Fresh, Salty Air
Two Lights State Park, located at 7 Tower Drive in Cape Elizabeth, is one of the most tranquil and scenic places in southern Maine. Whether you choose one spot or climb around on the time-worn, majestically-slanted rocks, this spot has soul-soothing powers and there are 41 acres in all to explore. You’ll be transfixed as you gaze out into the infinite Atlantic Ocean. Pack a lunch and stay for a while because once you’re there, you’ll be in no hurry to leave. For more information, head to

Shop locally, online
Most local businesses are temporarily not open to foot traffic, but if you’d rather stay put, there’s plenty of online shopping. Two examples in downtown Portland are Weekend Vintage at 184 State St. (online at and Pinecone + Chickadee at 6 Free St. (online at Weekend Vintage’s forte is vintage clothing and accessories, and Pinecone + Chickadee has just about everything else vintage, along with handmade and other quirky items. Be sure to check the website of your favorite local businesses – more of them than you might realize sell their wares online.

Photo courtesy of Bob Marley

Maine comedian Bob Marley is absolutely crushing it with his daily “Corona Watch 2020” videos. A little levity goes a long way, bub! Head to his Facebook page ( for your daily dose of hilarity as he manages to crack jokes about toilet paper shortages, social distancing, Tom Brady’s departure and confusion about all of the ever-changing news.

Bissell Brothers Brewing is offering home delivery to a few select cities and towns. Joel Page/Staff Photographer

Don’t Worry, Beer Happy
Bissell Brothers Brewing  at 4 Thompson’s Point Road in Portland has temporarily closed its taproom to the public, but you can still enjoy its beer, and they’ll bring it right to you. Valid ID is required at the time of delivery, and it must match the ID on the credit or debit card used for payment. Delivery is available in Portland, South Portland and Cape Elizabeth, and orders must have a minimum of four 4-packs per delivery. Options include Precept, Reciprocal, Revival Milk Stout and its legendary Substance Ale. For every frothy detail, head to Cheers!

A period room featuring items and clothing from 1820 that provides a glimpse of what life looked like when Maine became a state 200 years ago. Photo Courtesy of Maine Historical Society

Visual Stimulation
Your smartphone, tablet, laptop and full-sized computers can all serve as portals into fascinating rabbit holes of artwork and exhibits from museums and galleries all over the world. Locally, you can view the “Simulacrush” and “Skirting the Line,” along with past exhibits at the Center for Maine Contemporary Art, by heading to Maine Historical Society offers more than 350 online exhibits from organizations around the state. Keep an eye out for “State of Mind: Becoming Maine.” All of these can be found at

Kyle Gervais aka KGFREEZE   Photo by Lauryn Hottinger

Let The Music Play
Portland singer-songwriter and rock musician Kyle Gervais records and performs under the name KGFREEZE, and he’ll be playing a show via Instagram live that will include songs from his latest album “Phalanges,” among other tunes. Gervais will be playing the song from his friend and fellow musician Dominic Lavoie’s Portland studio, called Shabbey Road. The performance happens at 8 p.m. Wednesday, April 1 on Instagram. Find Gervais at

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