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South Portland Pack 22's Pinewood Derby was held Feb. 29, and the winners will be sent to the Casco Bay District race on April 18 at Scarborough High School.
The 2020 winners of Pack 22’s Pinewood Derby were: First Place: Gabby Gratton, Second Place: Ryleigh Smith, Third Place: Sebastian Buck, Fourth Place: John Pugatch, Fifth Place: Kayle Mukono, Sixth Place: Robert Lewis Photo Courtesy Bill Gratton
South Portland Mayor Kate Lewis attended the Pack 22 Pinewood Derby, consisting of scouts from kindergarten through fifth grade, who created cars using blocks of pine, said Cubmaster Dough Pugatch. Courtesy Taylor Kay
Some honorable mentions include: Most Scout Spirit: Walter Simpson, Most Patriotic: Landon da Ponte, Most Realistic: Patrick Olsen, Most Creative: Dexter Buck, Best Fuel Economy: Liam Banwell, and Best Non Scout Made Car: Lucy Kay Courtesy