We woke up to a sad, sad, sad … sad day for Maine, and especially its seniors, March 2!

The first of the “no newsprint newspaper Mondays” in the morning and then, to cap our day off, the start of “no more Pat Callaghan” on the News Center Maine WCSH6 news program at 11 p.m.

Many of us will not be able to get the @#$% computer over to our easy chair to read Monday’s news and, so, will not partake. Computers just don’t seem to deliver for many of us!

And, many of us will tune in to WCSH at 11 p.m. and feel the first wave of ongoing uncomfortableness, knowing that our trusted friend will not be telling us the nightly News Center news “like it is” – much, much in the Walter Cronkite tradition!

I believe I speak for many of us when I state: We’ll miss both of these news sources, at both ends of our day … for March 2 and beyond.

Some final words on Monday’s sad events:


To our forsaken Monday morning (and beyond?) Portland Press Herald newsprint edition – “If loving you is wrong, I don’t wanna be right!”

To our longtime nightly friend, Pat Callaghan – “Well done. You served us professionally and thoughtfully at 11, on oh, so many late nights! Thank you!”

Bruce Sherwin


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