I was recently privileged to hear Stacey Abrams speak in Portland (and a huge thank you to the University of New England, which brought her here). She is intelligent, she is funny, she is inspirational, she is a president in waiting.

I have solved the problem of who should be the Democratic nominee – any of them (except Michael Bloomberg. who just does not understand rules that govern nonbillionaires). Whether it is Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren or Joe Biden, it doesn’t really matter. Name Stacey Abrams as your running mate. The Democrats will absolutely wipe the floor with the Republicans.

Even if the final choice is Elizabeth, I would still want to see Stacey on the ticket. We have had enough old white guys on the ticket. Get someone who understands how the world works. Stacey has a gap between her front teeth – know why? Her parents could not afford orthodontia for her. That is the real world – that is reality. When asked at UNE if she would accept the nomination for vice president, she said, “If my country calls, I will serve.” For the sake of us all, call her!

When Barack Obama spoke at the 2004 Democratic convention, I remember so vividly the sheer excitement of listening to him and knowing – without a doubt – that a future president was addressing us. When I heard Stacey speak, I knew at once there was a future president addressing us. OK – she can start as VP, but there really is no other choice for VP than Stacey. She’ll move on up the ladder!

Deborah F. Coward

South Portland

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