Why are we, as a nation, not collectively outraged by the news that all information we receive about the coronavirus (COVID-19) threat will be controlled by the vice president, Mike Pence, whose knowledge base lies far outside the realm of medicine and public health? Are we so lulled by the recent barrage of offenses that we are letting this information wash over us as normal?

If we accept this form of stymied communication about our health and safety, haven’t we crossed the line into authoritarianism, where the news is controlled by the government? After all, authoritarianism isn’t just a political system – it is a political behavior. We are facing a crisis that requires a science-based response, not a political-based response.

This crisis is a matter of public health, not of partisanship and politicking, and yet our experts in the scientific and health worlds are being silenced. Why are we all not outraged and making our voices heard?

Paula R. Zeitlin, LCSW

Cape Elizabeth

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