The Feb. 23 op-ed by Alyssa Rosenberg of The Washington Post (Insight, Page D1) asks if America reached its #MeToo limit. It hasn’t.

The #MeToo movement is a social media platform where women survivors of sexual assault have found support. Under the platform, women are unified by a shared experience of being a sexual assault survivor. As a rape survivor, I too have found strength, empowerment and support under the banner.

The fight for women’s rights to equality is ongoing. The fight won’t end, even when hashtags stop trending. Social media can help with messages of unity, courage and hope in a time of hopelessness. In the United States, these struggles have been historic; women’s suffrage is one example. It wasn’t until the 1960s that women of color could vote in this country.

From these ongoing struggles, we build communities of support: Agencies like Planned Parenthood, Sexual Assault Response Services of Southern Maine and the League of Women Voters are some organizations helping women find their voice. Equally, hospitals, law enforcement agencies, churches and schools are involved. Women and girls are helped by compassionate, supportive communities.

The revolution of women’s empowerment is not in trouble; the culture of misogyny is. Sexual predators, even those with tremendous power and influence, are facing prosecution for their criminality. Hashtags will come and go; the fight for justice won’t. The Harvey Weinsteins of this new era realize it now: #TimesUp!