As a mom of two teenage daughters, my top priority will always be ensuring their future. At every turn, Donald Trump has put this future at risk, from his attacks on health care, gun safety and reproductive rights, the environment and public education, Trump has tried to drag us into the past. In 2020, we need a candidate who can beat Trump and lead us back in the right direction – without a doubt, that candidate is Democrat Mike Bloomberg.

The Trump administration has attacked health care across the board, raising costs and limiting access; they have systematically worked to restrict a woman’s access to reproductive and sexual health services. As president, Mike will fight for the rights of women everywhere, repealing the Hyde amendment, abolishing the global gag rule and ending the ban on Title X organizations providing abortions – expanding reproductive health care to 4 million low-income women, and nearly 17 million more women who receive Medicaid benefits.

Mike will be a president who fights for our future and the world our children will inherit, and he’ll start by beating Trump on Election Day. With Mike as our candidate, I know we are in good hands.

Sarah Crawford

Cape Elizabeth

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