One of the major concerns of the Democratic Party is finding a suitably electable candidate to run against Donald Trump. Mike Bloomberg is that candidate for a couple of reasons: He has business and managerial ability in that he successfully ran a “small nation,” New York City, and brought changes to the health care system, worked on gun control and recognized the fate of Lower Manhattan being affected by climate change.

He also has the ability to admit to past mistakes (“stop and frisk” and real estate “redlining”), a humility that the present White House occupant doesn’t. He will work across party lines, given the chance, and can reconstruct a foreign policy so America can again join the community of nations as an ally and friend.

While I agree with many of Bernie Sanders’ and Elizabeth Warren’s policies and proposals, with a 50-50 voter divide in this country, we need someone to tip the scales against Trump, and Bloomberg is that person. He won’t take any inane insults from Trump, as is evidenced by recent tweets, and at this point, if it takes a billionaire to beat a billionaire, I’m in. Only then will we be able to bring a new sanity and stability back to the White House.

Jake Hawkins


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