There is one goal in the 2020 election – to defeat Donald Trump, and Mike Bloomberg is the best candidate to do it.

Mike is the anti-Trump, while Donald Trump has declared bankruptcy six times, even after being given a “small loan” of a million dollars, Mike built one of the world’s most successful businesses from scratch. Trump is nothing but tweets and bluster, Mike is a proven leader who takes action when it counts. He’s never taken a cent from a special interest, whereas the president is owned by big oil companies, pharmaceuticals, and the NRA. Mike will reunite our country around shared ideals, putting differences aside to achieve ambitious goals.

As a businessman, a philanthropist, and mayor of New York City, Mike produced real results when no one else could, offering bold bipartisan solutions instead of just talk. Donald Trump has done nothing but try to drag our country backwards, attacking our healthcare, environment, and refusing to take action on gun safety. And Mike, well, he’s been the one leading the fight on these issues his whole life.

In 2020, we have an opportunity to set aside the partisan politics of Washington and bring our country back together – but first, we have to beat Donald Trump – just like everything else, Mike will get it done.

Heather Hamilton


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