Participants of the Jordan Small Middle School Geography Bee included, from left, Ella Mae Allen, Bronson Stanley, Antonio Asali (first place overall) and Isabella Messer (second place overall). Courtesy of Mari Dieumegard

Geography Bee winners

Ten Jordan-Small Middle School students participated in the school competition of the National Geographic GeoBee on Jan. 7. Sixth grader Antonio Asali won first place, with second place going to sixth grader Isabella Messer and third to seventh grade student Harrison Behnke, according to teacher Chris Newcomb.

The school competition was the first round in the annual National Geographic GeoBee. Questions covered not only geography, but also ancient and world civilizations, cultures and physical features.

As school champions, Antonio will now take an online qualifying test. The top test scorers in each state, up to 100, will be eligible to compete in their State GeoBee. The winners of the State GeoBees receive an all-expenses-paid trip to participate in the GeoBee national championship this 2020. Students will be competing for cash prizes, scholarships and an all-expenses-paid Lindblad expedition to the Galápagos Islands aboard the National Geographic Endeavour II. Learn more at

Walking program

Windham/Raymond Adult Education is offering a 17-week indoor walking program from 3-8 p.m. starting Monday, Jan. 27, at Windham High School. Cost is $14. For more information or to sign up, contact Windham/Raymond Adult education at 892-1819.

Fay office hours

Rep. Jessica Fay, D-Raymond, will hold office hours to meet with constituents from 5-6 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 29, at the Raymond Village Library. The library is located at 3 Meadow Road.

School withdrawal survey

The town’s RSU 14 Withdrawal Committee is seeking community members’ opinions of the advantages and disadvantages of withdrawing from the school district. The feedback  will help inform the process as the committee moves forward. You can find the survey at


Ski program seeks sponsors

Raymond Rec has run a successful ski program for many years thanks to the numerous volunteers that help coordinate all the details necessary. Local children have learned to ski or snowboard through the generous donations of local sponsors. These donations give kids the opportunity to join the ski program, to have the right equipment and to enjoy the beautiful outdoors in Maine.

The Rec program this year is looking for business sponsors to help offset a significant increase in the cost of transportation to and from Shawnee Peak. Sponsorship of any level would be appreciated and be recognized on the Raymond Recreation website and the Facebook page. The Standard Sponsorship of $250 includes a plaque and a group picture at the end of the season. A Gold Sponsorship of $500 includes the group picture and plaque and the placement of the company’s name on the Raymond Rec Learn to Ski/Snowboard bibs.  For more information or interest in sponsorship of the Learn to Ski/Snowboard program, please contact Gail Triano at or at 749-6308.

A sweetheart chorus

The Mollyockett Chorus, an imaginative, talented and often very funny group of singing women from Oxford, Androscoggin and Cumberland counties, will perform “50s Music and Memories” at 7 p.m. Feb. 8 at Raymond Village Community Church.  As the title suggest, the show will be a throwback to songs written and performed in the 1950s.

The Mollyockett Chorus began in Norway, Maine, with a core group of eight or 10 enthusiastic women. It sings a combination of upbeat songs, ballads and popular show tunes in four-part a cappella harmony. Their diverse and entertaining programs often have a humorous theme, as will this year’s show.

In celebration of upcoming Valentine’s Day, Raymond Arts Alliance has also coordinated with the Windham High School Katahdin program to provide a table of refreshments at the concert. Bring your sweetheart and enjoy the music and a special treat.

Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. The event is free, but a suggested donation of $10 is appreciated. For more information, go to

Alissa Messer can be contacted at

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