AUGUSTA — The Maine Department of Labor  is warning the public about a variety of websites advertising help with filing unemployment insurance, or UI claims. These websites are not affiliated with the Maine Department of Labor’s Bureau of Unemployment Compensation.

Claims should only be filed by the claimant themselves through the Maine Department of Labor’s website: or by calling the claims center at 1-800-593-7660 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

“There is no fee to file an unemployment claim or receive assistance with a claim,” Commissioner Laura Fortman said. “If there is a cost, it is not the Department of Labor; MDOL does not contract with any company to file claims.”

MDOL does not know how these companies use the information provided to them such as social security numbers, personal identifying information, and credit card numbers.

Unemployment insurance is the partial wage replacement bridging between a job lost and the next job opportunity; the program provides temporary financial assistance to help with basic needs during a job search. MDOL’s Bureau of Unemployment Compensation is responsible for executing the state’s UI system.

Everyone has the right to file a claim. In general, to receive benefits, a person must have worked in a job that is covered by unemployment insurance, have lost their job through no fault of their own, be able and available to accept work and be actively seeking work each week during which a claim is filed. Those who think they may be eligible should file a claim.

For those who do not have a computer and want to file a claim online, CareerCenters located throughout the state offer free access to computers. Libraries also provide access to computers free of charge.

During the winter months, unemployment claims and questions increase. As a result, call center phones are very busy. MDOL recommends using the online claims filing application for both initial and weekly claims and to file their work search efforts. We also recommend using the online Customer Messaging Portal for claim questions and issues. Online inquiries are responded to in the order received, generally within 24 hours. More information, applications and the messaging portal can be found on the Department of Labor’s website.

If a phone call is needed, phone lines are open from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Call volumes are typically heavier at the start of the week.

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