Russ Williams fought for us, to protect our freedom. He froze to death a homeless veteran. I think it is a crying shame that someone who fights for my freedom is left to die alone.

In this day of high technology, someone should be able to come up with a way to protect our vets and our innocent children. The five homeless girls, between ages 7 to 13, have moved back to California after living in Brunswick from spring 2018 to fall 2019. Their parents, Andy and Lacey are now divorced and their mother has custody of all five of them.  She can only get minimum-wage jobs.

I want Russ’ death to not be in vain. I want his death to be a wake-up call to all Americans. We need to care about our vets and our children. In fact, we need to care about all our homeless people. But for the grace of God, it could be any one of us.

Lucy Derbyshire


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