An inclusive and informative news conference, organized by the Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate, Lisa Savage, at the recent public hearing in Lewiston on New England Clean Energy Connect (the CMP corridor project), was well-attended by press. But no media outlet reported on her news conference or her testimony in the public hearing.

How disappointing!

How injurious to a democracy!

Lisa was the only Senate candidate who bothered to attend the hearing, and spoke about why this is a bad deal for Maine. She was joined by John Gonzales, a Canadian representing native peoples from the hydro-impacted area, and Dawn Neptune Adams of the Penobscot Nation.

They spoke about the climate emergency we’re in and how shortsighted it is to drown and cut down forests that sequester carbon. This is a dirty energy project created by flooding and destroying boreal forests, a process that gives off methane, which accelerates climate change. The flooded area is the size of Vermont.

Clean energy is not being brought to Maine. We should not be importing big hydro from Canada, but creating renewable-energy projects in Maine.


Lisa believes this CMP corridor will hurt the tourism economy. Wilderness is too valuable to give away to Hydro-Quebec. The contract even allows energy swaps that aren’t made public that can substitute fossil fuel-generated energy for hydropower.

The media missed reporting on some important testimony and an important news conference, and the public suffers.

Natasha Mayers


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