Please teach you children from a young age to walk against the direction of traffic, not with it. Wear light colors at night, carry a light, wear reflective clothing etc. I can not count the number of times I have come upon pedestrians walking with traffic wearing dark clothes, not carrying a light that I have somehow managed not to hit. Each time part of me wants to stop and jump out of the car and say “Do you realize I could have killed you? Do you realize I would have to live with that the rest of my life if I did?” I just want to shake them.
I know that walking against traffic works. Walking my dog one night many years ago I had a close call. I was walking against traffic on a rural road at night. A car came and appeared to not see us but I saw it in time to shine my flashlight and get their attention. They moved around us and the dog and I lived to walk many more nights.
Jan Strout
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