For over 25 years, Michael Shaughnessy, as a board member and president of the Friends of the Presumpscot River, has patiently and tenaciously worked with a diverse partnership, from state and federal officials to the city of Westbrook and Sappi in restoring the Presumpscot River.

Michael has broad experience, serving in municipal government in Windham as town councilor, to serving on Westbrook city boards (Recreation and Conservation, Downtown Design and Arts and Culture). He is a University of Southern Maine professor and served in leadership roles there.

As Westbrook enters a time of change and opportunity, Michael will bring a new vision and leadership to the city. The river to which the city has forever been tied will feature prominently in this future. Michael has a deep respect and commitment to this river that we belong to, and to the city in which we live. Please support Michael Shaughnessy for mayor of Westbrook.

Sandra Cort


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