When thinking about Saco’s municipal election, several important considerations come to mind. First and foremost is the need for experienced leadership. Mayor Marston Lovell is a longtime Saco resident and has served on the City Council, the York County Commission and currently as mayor.

A new Saco city administrator will be coming on board in January. Mayor Lovell has worked closely with past and current mayors and councilors. He has built positive relationships with the governing boards of all of our neighboring local governments. He is able and willing to commit the time and energy full-time that is needed for the demanding dual role as mayor and chair of the Saco School Board.

Mayor Lovell’s knowledge, experience and maturity will be an enormous plus going forward, working with the council, city administrator and city staff to make the best decisions for three more years of progress.

Please vote for tried and true leadership.

William D. Johnson

former three-term Saco mayor

Mary A. Johnson


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