I am writing to encourage my District 3 neighbors to vote for Tae Chong for City Council this Nov. 5.

Tae’s life work has focused on making Portland a more equitable city for all of its residents – whether New Mainers or lifelong Portlanders. In his roles at CEI and Catholic Charities, Tae has worked to realize the dreams of immigrants seeking to open businesses in the Portland area. These businesses have helped foster the next generation of entrepreneurs, crucial to the long-term viability of our city.

Tae knows the value of relationships in building community, finding resolve for shared concerns, and bringing together diverse groups of people. He looks for out of the box solutions to complex issues and realizes it is a process. His humor, compassion, and determination to fight for the greater good are what make him my choice for City Council in District 3.

Paula Gerstenblatt


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