In February, you stopped publishing the cartoon “Non Sequitur” by Wiley Miller. Mr. Miller had hidden a profane message aimed at President Trump in a Sunday cartoon. It was very offensive.
In its place you now have “Macanudo” by Liniers. “Macanudo” reminds me of the “Nancy” cartoon. Apparently, “Nancy” was drawn by humorless communists (kind of like your editorial writers), who had sworn to continue the “Nancy” cartoon until they came up with a funny one. They never did. Ditto for “Macanudo.”
It’s been maybe six months and you have yet to publish even one funny one. No tree should have to die so that “Macanudo” can be printed in your newspaper.
Please do humanity a favor and bring back “Non Sequitur.” Wiley Miller may be a bleeding-heart liberal, but at least he’s funny. He even features Maine characters.
Harry White
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