When I first started reading The Forecaster 15 years ago, the paper registered as useful as opposed to exciting.  Time passed, and at some point, I realized that I depended more on the Forecaster for coverage of the local nitty-gritty than I did on the Press Herald/Sunday Telegram. I also saw the general level of the writing becoming stronger over time, with the paper reliably offering solid reporting and excellent columnists. (John Balentine is a notable exception within the latter category, though it may be argued that keeping his particular brand of white male obliviousness on regular public display works as an important reminder of tasks yet remaining.) The ex-English teacher/writer/editor in me has also appreciated the paper’s generally pristine copy editing. The NYTimes could learn a thing or two.

Reading Mo Mehlsak’s farewell editorial, I realized that the time I have been accumulating these impressions pretty much coincides with his time at the helm. So this is my thank you to him, and to The Forecaster staff, for a job well done. With comprehensive, solid and interesting onboard, who needs exciting?

Kathy MacLeod Hooke


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