We have 11 years to aggressively cut carbon emissions in order to stave off catastrophic climate change. Profound, urgent action is needed. Like a locomotive is screaming down the tracks at us, urgent. Dive, urgent!

Willful, powerful and corrupt people are watching their pockets fill at any cost, including humanity. We don’t have that luxury. Our children don’t have that luxury. Biodiversity doesn’t have that luxury. We must push for systemic change. We must effect that change.

Never has the slogan “To change everything, we need everyone” been more relevant. Thus, Climate Action Teams have formed across Maine to create bold, local solutions to the accelerating climate crisis.

Climate Action Teams allow grassroots activists to learn from and encourage one another as community projects take root. Climate Action Teams carry the tools necessary to enact tangible change within their communities and channel anxiety in a positive direction. Climate Action Teams allow for one to find a voice. It’s time you found your voice – your inner activist.

With the support of Sierra Club Maine, Climate Action Teams have achieved significant change with no budget – just grit, persistence, passion and an acknowledgment that action generates hope. Climate Action Teams are hope.

Time is slipping away, though, and not one of us can afford to conduct business as usual a single day longer. The consequences of inaction are far too dire, and they are all around us – all around you. The future you, the one the locomotive is bearing down on, needs you now!

Luke Truman

Portland Climate Action Team


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