Jason Raven is chairman of the North Yarmouth Events Committee, which holds Fun Day on the Village Green behind him each year. Loss of the event’s traditional parking area has forced this year’s event to be cancelled. Alex Lear / The Forecaster

NORTH YARMOUTH — Fun Day, a longtime late-summer fixture on the Village Green, will not be held this year.

A mixed-use residential and commercial development is underway on the Route 9 lot that had been used for Fun Day parking. Alex Lear / The Forecaster

Lack of parking is the primary reason, according to Jason Raven, chairman of the town’s Events Committee.

The Smith family has for years allowed Fun Day participants to park on the Route 9 field it owned across from the fire station. But with that parcel sold recently for a mixed-use residential and commercial development, that option is no longer available.

Fun Day will be back next year in the newly completed Wescustogo Hall & Community Center, Raven said Aug. 7. And a few activities will still be held this year on the weekend following Labor Day, when Fun Day traditionally takes place.

“We’ve been thinking for a few years that when we lost that parking lot, we were going to have to do something else,” Raven said. Having people park at the former North Yarmouth Memorial School was an option, but that site is occupied with the Wescustogo construction. The Events Committee also considered the Town Office, but felt it was too far for people to walk.

Committee members are also involved with planning Greely High School’s next Project Graduation, and fundraising for the Friends of Wescustogo, “so it was a very easy decision to take a year off and wait for the new community center to be ready in 2020,” Raven said.


Since a fire in 2013 destroyed the original Wescustogo, which sat next to the Village Green, Fun Day hasn’t had a nearby backup location in case of rain, he noted.

“I’ve had 11 of these Fun Days, and we haven’t been completed rained out yet, but it was just a matter of time,” Raven said. “I’ll be very much relieved to have a safety net (at the new Wescustogo).”

The town’s annual presentation of a Distinguished Citizen award is also being put off until next year. A write-up on that recipient goes into the Fun Day program that is mailed to North Yarmouth residents, but since there’s no Fun Day this year, that person would not receive the level of exposure normally provided for others who have been honored, Raven said.

“We always put their face on the Fun Day Dollars, too,” he noted. “It’s unfortunate that we have a break in the series, but we didn’t want to shortchange anyone.”

Fun Day was launched in 2004. It succeeded Muster Day, an event that ran from about the 1980s to 2002, according to local historian Katie Murphy.

Resident Ben Grover is developing the former Smith parcel through his company, Construction Aggregate, according to Town Manager Rosemary Roy. The 16-acre Meadowbrook Neighborhood Subdivision project will comprise 20 residential and three commercial lots, and site plan review will determine uses for the commercial lots, she said Aug. 6.

Given the project’s rapid progress, all but potentially one commercial lot could be built out within the year, Roy noted.

Meanwhile, a pared-down version of Fun Day events will take place Saturday, Sept. 14, when the North Yarmouth Fire Company holds a bean and spaghetti supper at the Fire Station; there is no set admission price, but donations are welcome. The Cumberland Community Band performs for the first time on the Village Green at 6:30 p.m., offering show tunes, marches and other classics.

Skyline Farm will hold its sixth annual 5K Trail Run/Walk at 10 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 15. Registration is available at running4free.com.