Since your Aug. 1 publication of the article, “Yarmouth Council rejects aid for asylum-seekers,” I have thought hard about how to respond. I applaud Portland’s efforts to welcome asylum-seekers at the Expo. I hoped surrounding communities would support this initiative and some did.

A proposal to the Yarmouth Council that would help residents get involved was approved and I thank them. However, I was disappointed that they declined to make a monetary donation to three agencies that address homelessness of all types, which Yarmouth residents do access (Preble Street, Opportunity Alliance, and the Greater Portland Council of Governments).

I know the councilors believed they spoke on behalf of Yarmouth citizens. But they did not speak for all. I support the municipal fund allocation, as do many others. Our community is generous, as evidenced by local efforts to share with others. So how do we find middle ground? In our current political climate I appeal to the better angels in us all. At the meeting we discussed a fundraising effort that could address this need. Anyone who is interested please contact me at; help us demonstrate that Yarmouth is the compassionate community we know it to be.

Leigh Kirchner

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