After parking my car recently at Simpson’s Point, a large unleashed dog came up to me. When I politely asked the owner to leash her dog, I was greeted with profanity so obscene that it is unprintable. She continued with even more of this foul language when I pointed out that two signs require that dogs be leashed.

I found this both a dismaying and unsettling experience, to be loudly addressed in a very hostile manner when simply asking that the town leash law be observed. The law is intended to create safe, welcoming space for everyone. Some folks are terrified of dogs. Some are allergic. And some simply prefer that dogs not be free to roam, shake water all over them, or nose around into personal belongings.

Let’s treat each other with respect and consideration at Simpson’s Point and other public spaces. And thank you to all the dog owners who do leash and restrain their pets.

Sue Stableford

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