We just finished watching the first term Congresswomen, who were again attacked for their beliefs and their reasons for running for Congress and getting elected.

Although we don’t agree with all of their ideas, we respect and appreciate their right to speak up. They showed during this news conference a great deal of respect for our country and a willingness to work for the benefit of the whole country.

At no time was there any name calling, race baiting, white nationalist comments, instead they repeatedly shared their love, concern and hopes for our country.

Wake up America and listen to all sides with an open mind and then vote in November 2020 and, hopefully, America will once again be the country that others will respect and support.

What kind of country do you want: A country of diversity and inclusion or a country of xenophobic racism, which is where we seem to be heading rapidly? Do we want to walk to the future with our heads held high or slink into the shadows of fear and hatred?

Hopefully your conscience will make the decision easier.

Wayne and Glenis Elliott

West Bath

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