
“No one has ever become poor by giving.” ― Anne Frank, Diary of Anne Frank

The Saco Food Pantry wishes to thank the following businesses, non-profits and individuals: Altrusa Club of Biddeford-Saco, Bangor Savings Bank, Ron and Rachel Bolduc, Inga and Peter Browne, Gartland Distributors, Ann Marie Kenney, Sandra Kress, Len Libby’s, Minute Man Press, Karin Olsen, Marian Orr, Saco Parks and Recreation, Martha Taylor, and Mikey Vallee.

We thank all houses of worship: Trinity Episcopal, Grace Communion International, First Parish Congregational, Unitarian Universalist in Saco and Biddeford, Cornerstone Methodist, Bible and United Baptist, Most Holy Trinity, St. Demetrious, St. Augustine, The Rock Church (Scarborough), The Vineyard and Hope churches.

We thank the local businesses who support us by maintaining collection boxes: Beachway Market, Bob & Mike’s, Saco Bay Variety, Community Pharmacy, Rapid Rays, Scoops Ice Cream and Bradley Street Market.

In June, we were able to help out 190 families.

John Reynolds

Saco Food Pantry


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