Dear Cape Elizabeth,

I was sorry to see your plans for parking fees at Fort Williams. I’m your neighbor in South Portland, and you and I have been great friends for many years. The fort has given me dog walking, lacrosse games, lobster rolls, biking and Dooleyball (you have to be there) in all seasons.

I’ve volunteered to garden at the fort, and donated to the fund, making me an official Friend of Fort Williams. But this parking thing feels like you’re breaking up with me. Sure, I’m still welcome to come, and I’ll pay $15 for a pass – easy peasy. But that’s far less than the $100 I usually send. Sent, I mean.

You’re still more than welcome to come to Willard Beach, Bug Light Park, Spring Point Ledge Lighthouse and Hinckley Park for free, but you realize, this parking thing makes you That Guy. The one who drinks your best scotch and then invites you to his BYOB party.

See you around the neighborhood.

Christine Koch

South Portland

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