According to the pundits on television and in newspapers, many people seem to be worried about whether a woman can be elected president in 2020. Personally, I think that a strong woman is probably the only candidate who can beat Donald Trump.

Large numbers of women and men are outraged by Trump’s ignorant, cruel policies and behaviors. In 2018, progressive women won numerous elections across the country against conservative male candidates.

And let’s not forget that Hillary Clinton beat Trump in the 2016 popular vote by almost 3 million votes. This is in spite of the Russian interference and then-FBI Director James Comey’s decision to raise issues about Clinton’s handling of classified information without any real evidence (and no real evidence ever did appear) just days before the election. In a few states, about 70,000 votes elected Trump.

All of the candidates have some “I don’t think she/he can win” issues whether it is being a woman, being gay, being too old, being male, being a person of color, being white, not being likable, etc. And let’s also remember that almost no one thought either Trump or Barack Obama had a chance at the beginning of their runs for president (and, in Trump’s case, up until Election Day).

We need to determine the differences among all of the candidates in order to figure out whom to support in the primaries. And we need to find out who we think can best handle Trump in a debate and handle all of the garbage that he and his people will try to dump on any Democratic candidate.

I know many people, including me, voted for Clinton and maybe even gave a little money, but that was about it. It will be different this time, because now we know that it is very possible that Trump will be re-elected unless we work tirelessly. I know many of us will.

Kim Matthews


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