Mull-Brooks Courtesy photo

WESTBROOK — Westbrook High School Assistant Principal Jennifer Mull-Brooks is moving to the K-4 Congin School as principal, replacing John Dickerson who resigned at the end of the school year.

“I am going to miss Westbrook High School a lot,” Mull-Brooks said. “I am torn leaving the students, because I do commit deeply to students and faculty. But on the same note, I am so excited to go and start something I’ve always wanted to do.”

Mull-Brooks said that while she began her teaching career at the middle and high school levels, earlier stints at the elementary school as a lunch aide and coach are what inspired her to teach.

“I was most suited for grades 7-12 because my bachelor’s in criminology and my writing minor,” Mull-Brooks said. “So I was certified in social studies and English, and I got hired out of the gate once I got that high school certification.”

Mull-Brooks, now with two master’s degrees, stayed at the high school level because of her love for working with at-risk students and her desire to move students towards graduation, she said.

But with the Congin job opening up and her own children getting older, it was a perfect opportunity for her to switch to the younger demographic, she said.

“Mull-Brooks is perfect for the role, and a real special and caring person,” Superintendent Peter Lancia said.

She is leaving what is currently a three-person principal system at the high school, a system proposed for next year if the high school doesn’t hire a principal by then. Mull-Brooks, and Assistant Principals Wendy Harvey and Jeff Guerrette had shared the workload of a principal after Kelli Deveaux resigned this winter.

Mull-Brooks and the administration are not sure what will happen now with the three-person system at the high school.