In Maine, every one of us now participates in the killing of unborn children with our tax dollars (“Maine making public, private insurers cover abortions,” June 13). This is not OK. How can this be? I feel hopeless, sad, betrayed, violated, defiled and abused at being forced into this. I weep for the never-born and am heartbroken for their mothers.

Don’t we desire to be kind, enlightened and progressive? It is currently the exact opposite. No just society can defend the killing of an estimated 60.1 million unborn children since Roe v. Wade. That is nearly 45 times the entire population of the state of Maine, and a holocaust 10 times the size of the Jewish Holocaust of World War II. What number of these acts was truly necessary?

The confusing thing is that it is often gentle, kind and loving people who do defend it.

If you are reading this, can you answer the following questions, from your heart? When is killing permissible? When does an unborn child, whose heart has been beating at least since its sixth week and who is fully alive, receive the right to remain alive?

George Lawson


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