Much has been made of the asylum seekers’ plight and the efforts to help them.

My question is: Why? Who decided to send them here? And who decided to accept them without public input? It is, after all, the working public’s taxes that will ultimately used to pay for all the services these people will require.

One out of five children in Maine goes hungry each day, and I have no idea as to how many homeless men and women, including veterans and children, live on the streets of our cities and towns, yet there is little effort to give them the kind of aid available to these asylum seekers. That’s just wrong.

It’s a sad state of affairs when we take care of all others before we take care of our own.

Perhaps if all the socially conscious people who are able would take in one family or homeless person, the whole problem would be solved. I doubt that will ever happen.

Walter Stickney

West Baldwin

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