Thanks to the Portland Press Herald for featuring the noble and worthwhile efforts of Kennebunk High School senior Will Jones to limit balloon releases into the environment (June 9).

Long ago, when I was young (before Mylar existed), balloons were primarily used at young children’s birthday parties. We were instructed to use them indoors, as balloons outside were bad for the environment. Easy lesson, learned.

Today, of course, outdoor balloons are everywhere and balloon releases are common. They are all bad for our environment; Mylar is worse than latex. This is something we can all give up without hurting our quality of life.

I implore my fellow Mainers to utilize our skills to celebrate life’s milestones in a less planet-destructive manner: Bubbles perhaps? Streamers?

We need to work together in matters small and large to improve the condition of our wounded planet.

Joan O’Brien


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