The 13-member project team that oversaw the launch of Central Maine Power’s new billing system consisted of a mix of IT, customer service and regulatory managers from Iberdrola, Avangrid and CMP.

CMP has released a matrix summarizing the responsibilities of five key managers on the project team: Donna McNally, project director; Rachel Grenier, a now-retired customer service director; Mark Morisette, an IT systems manager at Iberdrola; and Donna Henry and Steve Cataldi from Avangrid’s project management office.

The actual decision-making authority was shared between the corporate sponsors and a 15-member steering committee populated by other executives under the Iberdrola umbrella. Key decision makers included Eric Stinneford, vice president; Sergio Merchan, Avangrid’s chief information officer; Carl Taylor, president and CEO of Avangrid’s New York utilities; Steve Adams, Avangrid vice president for regulatory policy; and Ignacio Canales, an IT head at Iberdrola Networks.

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