BOOTHBAY HARBOR — Former Republican Gov. Paul LePage’s wife won’t be the only one in their family spending the summer working at a restaurant. LePage will be joining her as a bartender.

McSeagulls Restaurant owner Jeff Stoddard said he hasn’t finalized the former governor’s schedule but expects him to be tending bar for the entire summer in Boothbay Harbor. The governor’s wife, Ann, will be working there again as a server.

The restaurant posted photos on social media showing the former governor and first lady wearing McSeagulls T-shirts that proclaimed, “Eat, Drink & Flounder, Just for the Halibut.”

This won’t be the first time LePage has tended bar. In March 2017, the then-governor took drink orders, pulled beer taps to fill plastic glasses and exchanged handshakes with patrons as he worked behind the long bar at the Quarry Tap Room in Hallowell. LePage was the latest and one of the highest-profile guest bartenders that the bar had brought in to help raise money for various charities. On the night LePage worked, a dollar from each drink sale went to the Travis Mills Foundation, a nonprofit organization aimed at aiding combat-injured veterans.

The LePages spent the winter at their home in Florida. It’s unclear where they’re staying this summer. They sold their Boothbay home last summer.

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