
The author of the letter to the editor — “White fragility, not race baiting” — took great pains to refute a recent column by Dr. Harold Pease.  However, his rebuttal lacked any persuasive merit.  He is entitled to his opinions (and I to mine), but he injected subtle sophistry to support his arguments:
• “… adolescents of color are gunned down … with no consequence to the killers”
• “… blacks and Hispanics are sent to prison … (while) whites will receive probation, community service, and therapy”
Historically, unfair and racist misapplications of justice have undeniably occurred and can be readily documented; however, to imply that such injustice is the norm in today’s judicial system is a cynical misrepresentation.
Frankly, I can find nothing in Dr. Pease’s column that a reasonable person would consider “intellectually dishonest” or “specious” in any manner.  Nothing written by Dr. Pease was factually inaccurate and his conclusions were supported by the facts.
The Op-Ed section of the Journal Tribune is an ideal forum to espouse one’s beliefs.  In the courtroom of public opinion, challenges are always welcome.  Some are weaker than others.
I hope you will continue to publish Dr. Pease’s column in the future.  He is a breath of fresh air to those of us who appreciate his interpretations of history and current events.
Rufus T. Firefly

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