Re: “Letter to the editor: Trump’s acts disqualify him for highest office” (June 3, Page A4), by Peter Anderson of Peaks Island:

Roughly half of Americans believe President Trump is responsible for dividing the nation or not fit to hold the highest office.

On March 23, 2010, President Barack Obama signed into law the Affordable Care Act, the immense and far-reaching legislation that took effect Jan. 1, 2014. It was not supported by a single member from the right side of the aisle, and half the country didn’t and still doesn’t want it (an April Gallup poll shows that views on the ACA are sharply divided along party lines). By doing so, he divided this country, and it will resonate for a long time to come.

Years ago, there was a holder of the highest office who was hated by the opposition party and some from his own but had the fundamental support of the general populace.

He was gruff and a loudmouth, he smoke and drank, and many judged his behavior as superficial. Before a room full of people, he would emerge from a bath in a “state of nature.”

Publicly he used nicknames such as “Lord Left-leg-limps” and “that moon-faced man,” and referred to The New Yorker magazine as “The New Porker.” To many in His Majesty’s government, he was considered, in Mr. Anderson’s words, “ill-suited … for the job.” His name was Winston Churchill.

Kevin Benjamin

South Portland

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