Central Maine Power’s proposal to raise a huge, deeply loathed power corridor through our beautiful state is the No. 1 political issue in Maine right now. It should come as no surprise that our grassroots organization, Say “NO” to NECEC, has over 5,300 members who are furiously upset about the corridor, and recent Natural Resources Council of Maine polls show that the majority of Mainers oppose the project (90 percent in Franklin County; 83 percent in Somerset County; 65 percent statewide).

More people are joining us every day because they are learning about New England Clean Energy Connect’s negative impacts. Maine’s citizens do not want to trade Maine’s brand or traditions just so foreign corporations can make a profit.

In the last 10 months, the corridor proposal has become more publicly known and we have worked tirelessly to make the depth of Mainers’ concerns clear to decision-makers at the local, state and federal levels. To date, all towns along the corridor route in northern Somerset County and most of Franklin County oppose this project.

Eleven towns voted to oppose it (Alna, Caratunk, Jackman, Moose River, Dennistown, West Forks, The Forks, Farmington, Starks, Wilton and Industry), while the Franklin County Commission and two towns rescinded support (Wiscasset and Embden). In the coming weeks, six more towns may also oppose the project, including Greenville, Jay, Anson, Pownal, Durham and New Sharon.

CMP has spent more than $1 million this year on ads and hired more than 30 lobbyists in an effort to sway state leaders. The only way we can stop this project is if Mainers weigh in and contact state leaders to let them know you oppose the corridor and urge them to support two bills, L.D. 1383 and L.D. 1363, that would give the people in the municipalities most affected by the corridor a chance to have their voices heard and have local control in permitting decisions.

Sandra Howard
director, Say “NO” to NECEC

Editor’s note: This letter was updated at 12:10 p.m. Wednesday, June 5, to reflect the correct number and names of the towns that have voted to oppose New England Clean Energy Connect, as well as those that are slated to vote on the project.

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