The headline of Monday’s front-page article on the homeless shelter stated that there are “no easy choices” when it comes to building a 150-bed shelter in Portland. I agree. But this is an important action that needs to be taken by the community of Portland to address a real crisis.

I live in the heart of Riverton. I could hit the fire station with a rock from my front yard if I tried. I own the house. And I support the building of the shelter on Riverside Street.

I support a shelter that meets the needs of the homeless community as stated by the experts in the field. The false “compromise” of four or five smaller shelters will not work to address the problem of homelessness. We need that shelter. And I say: Build it. Build it in Riverton. Build it at Angelo’s Acre. Build it into the State Street Mercy building. I don’t care. Just build it. We need to spend our money wisely as well as providing a service that will truly help people in need. A 150-bed shelter will save us money in the long run.

Having said all that, and having thrown my support to a shelter in Riverton, I want to state that the Barron Center campus was the best location. Simply read the history of the Barron Center on the city website and you will realize that the mission of the facility fits perfectly with the goals of the shelter.

I have never thought of our City Council members as typical politicians. They tend to make tough decision and are thoughtful about their actions and the needs of the city. Not so in this case. The Portland council is looking like a “say anything to get elected, no backbone, finger in the wind” bunch. And that is sad.

John Schaberg


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