The very destructive proposed Central Maine Power transmission line seems both a lazy and a primitive solution to the emissions issue. Instead of a focus on creative alternative-energy solutions, CMP is relying on a distant and remote energy source in concert with a very long and damaging transmission line through a beautiful area of western Maine.

It seems to me that building such a line and cutting the 150-foot-wide, 53-mile swath might reduce future incentives for Massachusetts to seek better and more creative alternative-energy sources to help with the emissions reduction needs of the region. What’s more, it might lead to further demand for more remote Quebec hydro development and the related destruction of pristine wilderness and other resources.

The huge power line and associated forest destruction will change the scenic character of a beautiful area and will affect wildlife habitat and wildlife movement. It will have negative effects on local tourism as well.

Any benefit to Maine seems modest at best, and the supposed reductions in emissions related to this project seem exaggerated by project proponents. Let’s reject this proposal, as it is a bad deal for Maine, and let’s push CMP to be more creative and more responsive to the needs of the people of Maine.

John Phillips
