Re: “John Ford 125 Years will delight fans of the legendary Maine-born-and-bred director” (Jan. 31, Page M10):

My late Uncle Mike told me, years ago, that he went to Portland High School with the late director John Ford, then known as Sean Feeney, who was a friend and a classmate. They boxed each other in the school gymnasium and once outside of school.

My uncle boxed for the Jewish Community Center, and Sean boxed for the YMCA. My uncle won that bout but told me he’d misplaced the trophy some years ago.

I was about 10 years old when he told me that story, after I told him I’d seen the film “The Quiet Man,” directed by John Ford. It was my favorite movie. At that time, my Uncle Mike was in his late 50s. He was an honest man and I don’t think he was lying to me.

John Golding
