Tyler Technologies will conduct Portland’s first property revaluation in 13 years, the city said Tuesday in a news release.

Tyler Technologies CLT Appraisal Services will begin reassessing the city’s more than 24,000 parcels next month. Tyler is expected to have staff in the field in April to gather street-level images and begin analyzing data for each property. Once the reassessment is finished, likely sometime next year, property owners will be able to challenge their new property values through a formal appeals process.

Property owners will likely receive their first informational mailing about the revaluation as soon as March, the city said. The project includes each property receiving a property data mailer, building sketch and property data verification, market sales, cost and income and expense data analysis, field checks and final reviews before assessment notices are sent to taxpayers.

The property revaluation will begin this year and stretch into 2020. The new property values are expected to be used for the fiscal 2021 tax cycle, the city said.

The city is currently implementing Tyler software products for budgeting, finance, payroll, permitting, inspections and business licensing.

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