Re: “Letter to the editor: Heating oil suppliers are making a fool of ratepayers,” by John Riley (Dec. 5):

Having worked in the oil business in the Portland area for over 40 years, I’ve witnessed home heating oil prices from a low of 19 cents to a high of almost $3 a gallon. In all these years, I’ve never witnessed or heard of price gouging.

Greater Portland has the most competitive home heating prices on the Eastern Seaboard because of its proximity to oil terminals. If a customer is not happy with price or service, there are many options available, from changing suppliers to switching to propane, natural gas or electric heat.

I found Mr. Riley’s letter an insult to the many hardworking men and women in the heating industry. He clearly doesn’t understand the difference between prices in The Wall Street Journal, which are for 42,000 gallons delivered to New York Harbor, and home delivery prices to the Portland area.

Mike Francoeur
