
On this Thanksgiving, we will do what Americans have done since the first pilgrims gathered at Plymouth: we will offer thanks to God with grateful hearts for the many gifts we have received, including family, friends, and the blessing of life itself.

But we will also remind ourselves that as we have received, so we are called to give. As you read this, there are countless men and women, moved by faith and the gratitude it inspires, serving at soup kitchens, contributing to their communities, and defending our country and our freedom.

The exercise of our faith as Catholics and Christians calls us to serve and to provide hope to those most in need. As we give thanks and gather with the special people in our lives, let us commit to living gratefully so we will live generously, not only in the holiday season, but throughout our lives.

May this be a time of blessing and grace for you and your loved ones. Happy Thanksgiving!

Bishop Robert P. Deeley

Diocese of Portland 

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