First, I would like to congratulate Janet Mills on becoming the first woman governor for Maine. I sincerely hope she does our gender proud.
I would like to encourage Gov. Mills to reconsider her promise to expand eligibility for Maine- Care to able-bodied, working-age people so they can have free health care even though they are fully able to work and pay for their own.
I ask this on behalf of the thousands of Maine children who currently suffer in dire and sometimes life-threatening abusive situations in their very own home, mistreated by their own parents. These children cannot help themselves and we are very literally their only hope. I feel it is her obligation as governor to address this issue. Their care is not welfare or a handout, it’s an obligation. I would be proud to have my tax dollars spent on this great cause.
MaineCare is only fully paid for two years by the federal government, and then it becomes another burden on the taxpayer. I believe that in time it will surely take resources away from the foster care system and more children will die; or become a burden on the corrections system; or allow people with post-traumatic stress disorder to perpetuate their abuse on their own children – a never-ending cycle.
Janet Mills was elected as governor for all of Maine citizens. I hope she will reduce health care expenses for all instead of just a small percentage, and make our most vulnerable her top priority. Good luck to her in her new role.
Tracy Vierra
South Portland
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