Any intelligent person, following the recently concluded Brett Kavanaugh hearings conducted by the Senate, can draw some fairly evident conclusions concerning the efforts of our dedicated party of the left.

Let me try to enlighten these determined socialists on the purpose of the federal judiciary. The reason that the Supreme Court is not constituted of publicly elected members is that the high court is meant to decide, without prejudice, the constitutionality of laws passed by publicly elected members of Congress and signed by the publicly elected president. Simply put, chief executives, senators and congressmen (sorry, “congresspersons”) often, if not always, have an agenda. The high court is tasked to determine if this agenda is legal under our nation’s Constitution. It is as simple as that!

The recent confirmation hearings, with their after-the-fact rumors, innuendos and unproven allegations, bring shame to the party of the left. American citizens need to decide if they prefer to live under the rule of law or, plainly stated, the mob of rule.

John R. Canfield
