I attended the Sept. 8 Hannaford Hall forum on the proposed homeless shelter abutting the Barron Center. These are my thoughts and observations:

The presenters – City Manager Jon Jennings, Assistant City Manager Michael Sauschuck, interim Police Chief Vern Malloch and Oxford Street Shelter director Rob Parritt – gave a detailed history and summation regarding homelessness in Portland and the process by which Nason’s Corner was selected as a site for the new shelter. They also included data and information from other U.S. cities grappling with the same issues.

It didn’t matter; the audience was not listening. Nason’s Corner neighbors were in attendance in abundance and not in a cooperative mood. After a presentation to the entire audience, smaller group discussions and a question-and-answer period were arranged in smaller rooms.

I was surprised at the disrespect and outright rudeness shown to our city officials serving our community honorably. They were repeatedly interrupted, loud voices were used and there was very little respect for the three-minute talking rule. Neighbors expressed their anxieties and fears.

With some significant tweaks and concessions to neighbors’ concerns, this model can work. Something needs to be done to improve the situation. Working together, we can do this. No screaming.

Joan O’Brien
