With the recent nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court, we’ve read numerous letters to the editor written by women against his nomination. The major concern in these letters is losing the right to abort their unborn babies.

God is the giver of life and only He has the right to end it. No person has the right to take another’s life, and to do so is to usurp the position of God. It sends the unspoken message that life is cheap. Also, we wonder if the sisters of the aborted sibling in the television ad suffer silently as they hear their mother justify that it was right for her to not allow her unborn child life. Do they not see evil being twisted to look good?

Abortion would make some sense if we as human beings were just an advanced form of animal life. We do not believe that to be true. Human beings are specially created by God and for God. Human beings were created in the image of God. God is a “Spirit Being.” Being created in His image, we are also “spirit beings.”

We’ve always appreciated the Springfield College logo, a triangle whose sides represent the three dimensions of mankind. They are body, mind and spirit. Human beings differ from all other life in that we are “spirit” beings. The value of human life cannot be underestimated.

When conception takes place in a woman’s body, the result is human life. By definition life exists at that moment. To us this makes ending that life a very serious matter. It seems to us that God sees it as a serious evil that should not happen. We understand that the circumstances may be very difficult or perhaps inconvenient. However, human life should be protected in every possible way.

Ruth and Leonard MacPhee
