Here’s why I’m voting for Democrat Janet Mills:

She’ll expand Medicaid, as approved by Maine voters. We have had far too many delays under Republican leadership.

She’ll help boost Maine’s economy with forward-thinking policies such as investing in research and development.

She’ll improve the lives of lower-income Mainers by increasing access to food. It is unconscionable that thousands of Maine children have gone hungry under Republican leadership while the state racks up big surpluses.

She’ll act like an informed and responsible grown-up. Our state has suffered tremendously for nearly eight years under a governor who shows more interest in acting provocatively and gaining national attention than solving the state’s problems. Unlike her main opponent, Janet Mills has decades of legislative experience. She can get to work on Day One.

Janet Mills was not my first, second or third choice for governor. But she is definitely the best choice on the November ballot.

Shoshana Hoose
