Demi Kouzounas’ Aug. 16 letter stating that Judge Brett Kavanaugh will bring order to the Supreme Court, and that all Americans want him confirmed, holds no merit. Ms. Kouzounas’ position as chair of the Maine Republican Party is the only reason I can see that someone would hold such an opinion. To call Democrats “shameless” while the Republicans sit by and let Donald Trump destroy the credibility of the United States of America is just asinine.

I was taught to support the president, no matter what party, as he was our leader. I cannot support a person as dishonest and egotistical as Donald Trump. Therefore, I feel he has no business in adding to our Supreme Court.

I think what most Americans want is for the U.S. Congress to start working for all of Americans and not just greedy corporations and Republicans who cannot see the forest for the trees. I fear for the young people who will suffer for years to come because of the ruination of our country by such an irresponsible Congress.

Francis J. Mazzeo
