Thank you for publishing the Aug. 12 Center for Public Integrity article on the public health risk of the increased tick population, which links it to climate change and calls out state government for neglecting to address the issue in a comprehensive and timely manner.

It is the role of the free press to hold government accountable, and you have done it admirably. However, this problem is too big to be solved by states alone. We need strong federal action as well. Climate scientist James Hansen has determined that humanity’s current use of fossil fuel is equivalent “to exploding 400,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs per day, 365 days per year” in terms of how much energy the Earth is absorbing each day.

Climate change is the single most important issue of our time, and we are fast approaching the point of no return. We need strong leadership from Congress as well. What are Sens. Susan Collins and Angus King and Reps. Chellie Pingree and Bruce Poliquin doing to lead the effort to halt climate change?

Sarah Braik

Portland Chapter, Citizens’ Climate Lobby
